Wiki To Do List
Step one - create this list.
Priority Tasks (in no particular order):
1 - Complete the V4 build guide complete with diagrams and screencaps, and link between sections at the top and bottom of each to the next/previous. Swap the links to go directly to it instead of linking to the first half at the top of the V3 build guide.
2 - Create a “Bench Testing the Electronics” guide. I'd like to see this happen before people add everything into the frame and cable chains and then find out something doesn't work right.
3 - Clean up and update (and shrink!) the BOM to just the static parts that every machine needs, rather than having many parts duplicated between the script BOM, the electronics BOM and the wiki BOM. Feedback on the best way forward for this is needed.
4 - Update the 3D printing section with new screencaps and V4 specific part names, especially the drill guides.
5 - Add a What's New with V4/Upgrading from V3 page with details on the changes and path for updating the older design.
6 - Add a V4 Parameters page with a full list of every parameter in the design, what it does, the metalcutter and woodcutter defaults and reasonable/tested limits for each.
New Page Generation - The Easy Way
If you are taking on one of these tasks, the easy way to create the new V4 page is to just edit the URL to the old page and replace the 3 with 4 and it'll say “the page doesn't exist, do you want to create it?”
Once a new page has been created, post the link to it in here so we don't get duplicates. Try to follow the naming listed above in “ ” but it can always be changed later by someone if need be.